(1.1) The Church of God sojourning at Rome, to the Church of God sojourning at Corinth,
those called and made holy through the will of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace
and peace to you be multiplied from Almighty God through Jesus Christ.
Dearest brethren, because of the recent and many disastrous events which have happened
to us, we feel we have been somewhat tardy in shifting our attention to the points regarding
which you consulted us. This is especially the case regarding that shameless and
despicable rebellion, utterly abhorrent to the chosen of God, which some few impetuous
and arrogant persons have stirred up into such a frenzy that your venerable and illustrious
name, worthy of the love of all, is now instead cursed.
(1.2) For who has lived even for only a short time among you that didn’t find your faith to
be as fruitful in virtue as when it was first established? Who has not admired the prudence
and gentleness of your piety in Christ? Who has not wondered at your usual magnificent
hospitality? And who has not rejoiced over your perfect and secure knowledge?
(1.3) For you did all things impartially, and proceeded in the laws of God, obedient to your
rulers, and showing proper respect for the elders (presbyters) among you. You encouraged
your young men toward self-restraint and dignity. You taught your women (wives) to do all
things blamelessly, dignified, and in pure conscience, having appropriate affection for their
men (husbands), living in the rule of obedience. You taught them to manage household
possessions honorably, in all prudence.
(2.1) In everything you were humble rather than boasting, subjecting yourselves rather than
subjecting others, gladly giving rather than taking. Content with the journey provisions of
Christ, and carefully attentive to his words, storing them away deep inside you, you kept
His Passion before your eyes.
(2.2) Thus a deep and abundant peace was given to you all, and you had an insatiable
desire to do good, and a full outpouring of the Holy Spirit was upon you all.
(2.3) Full of holy counsel, in great goodwill with godliness, you stretched out your hands
to the Almighty God, beseeching him to be merciful if you had unknowingly sinned.
(2.4) You agonized day and night for the whole brotherhood to save the (full) number of His
chosen ones in mercy and conscience.
(2.5) You were pure and innocent, and forgiving toward one another.
(2.6) Each rebellion and every schism was abominable to you. You grieved over the
transgressions of your neighbors, judging their shortcomings your own.
(2.7) You never held back from any good deed, being eager for every good work.
(2.8) Adorned in a most excellent and honorable citizenship, you accomplished all in the
fear of Him, the commandments and ordinances of the Lord being written on the tablets of
your hearts.
(3.1) Every honor and growth was granted to you, and it was fulfilled what was written,
“My beloved ate and drank and grew and became fat and kicked.”
(3.2) From this came jealousy and envy, and discord and rebellion, persecution and
disorder, battle and captivity.
(3.3) Thus were aroused the dishonorable against the honorable, the inglorious against
the glorious, the imprudent against the prudent, the young against the old.
(3.4) For this, righteousness and peace have gone far from you, in that each of you has
left behind the fear of God, and become dim in faith in Him, neither proceeding in the
laws, His commandments, nor conducting oneself according to what is proper to Christ.
Rather, each walks according to the desire of his heart, taking up wicked envy, unjust
and impious, through which death entered into this world.
(4.1) For as it is written, “And it happened after some days, that Kain brought a sacrifice
to God from the fruits of the earth, and Abel also brought (a sacrifice), from the firstborn
of the flocks, and from their fat.
(4.2) “And God looked with favor on Abel and on his gifts; He did not look with favor on Kain
and on his sacrifices.
(4.3) “And Kain was greatly grieved and his face fell.
(4.4) “And God said to Kain, ‘Why are you sad, and why has your face fallen? If you offered
rightly, but did not divide rightly, have you not sinned?
(4.5) “’Be quiet. To you is its return, and you will rule it.’
(4.6) “And Kain said to his brother Abel, ‘Let’s go to the field.’ And it happened that when
they were in the field, Kain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.”
(4.7) You see, brethren? Envy and jealousy bring about fratricide.
(4.8) Because of envy our father Jacob fled from the face of Esau his brother.
(4.9) Envy made Joseph persecuted nearly to death, up to entering slavery.
(4.10) Envy forced Moses to flee from the face of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, at his hearing
from his tribesmen, “Who made you a judge or ruler over us? Will you murder me in the
way you murdered the Egyptian yesterday?”
(4.11) Because of envy, Aaron and Miriam stayed outside the camp.
(4.12) Envy brought down Dathan and Abiram alive into Hades through their rebellion
against the servant of God, Moses.
(4.13) Because of envy, David earned the hatred not only of foreigners, but was even
persecuted by Saul, King of Israel.
(5.1) But so that we might leave the ancient examples, let us rather come to those more
recently living (spiritual) contenders; let us take up the noble examples of our own
(5.2) Because of envy and jealousy the greatest and most righteous pillars were
persecuted, and competed until death.
(5.3) Let us put before our eyes the good apostles.
(5.4) Peter, who because of unrighteous envy endured afflictions neither once nor twice,
but many times, having thus been martyred, proceeded to the promised place of glory.
(5.5) Because of envy and strife, Paul directed attention to the prize of endurance.
(5.6) Seven times wearing bonds, being banished, being stoned, being a herald in the
east and in the west, he received illustrious fame for his faith.
(5.7) Having taught righteousness to the whole world, and having come to the extreme
limits of the west, and having been martyred by the rulers, he was thus released from the
world and taken up into the holy place, being a magnificent example of patience.
(6.1) To these men who conducted their lives in holiness are added a great multitude of
the chosen, whoever because of envy suffered many tortures and torments, being most
beautiful examples among us.
(6.2) Because of envy, women were persecuted, Danaids and Dirkai having suffered
fearful and unholy torments. Having finished the race by their secure faith, the weak of
body took up the illustrious prize.
(6.3) Envy has estranged married women from men and changed the saying by our father
Adam, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.”
(6.4) Envy and strife has ruined great cities and uprooted great nations.
(7.1) Beloved, we write not only admonishing you, but also reminding ourselves, for we
are in the same arena and the same contest is imposed on us.
(7.2) Therefore, let us leave behind the empty and worthless concerns, and approach the
renowned and honorable rule (canon) of our tradition.
(7.3) And let us look to what is good, and what is pleasing, and what is acceptable before
our Maker.
(7.4) Let us look to the blood of Christ, which is precious to His Father, which, having
been poured out for our salvation, has made available to the whole world the abundance
of repentance.
(7.5) Let us go through every generation and observe that, from generation to generation,
the Master has granted a place of repentance to those who would turn to Him.
(7.6) Noah preached repentance, and those who listened were saved.
(7.7) Jonah preached destruction to the Ninevites, but they, having repented of their sins,
appeased God by supplication, and received salvation, even though they were foreigners
to God.
(8.1) The ministers of the grace of God have spoken through the Holy Spirit about
(8.2) Indeed the Master of All has spoken of repentance with an oath: “For as I live, says
the Lord, I do not desire the death of the sinner, rather his repentance,” also adding this
beneficient statement:
(8.3) “Repent, House of Israel, of your lawlessness. Say to the sons of my people, Even
though your sins reach from earth to heaven, and even though they are redder than
scarlet, and blacker than sackcloth, if you turn to Me with your whole heart and say
Father, I will listen to you as a holy people.”
(8.4) And in another place He says thus: “Wash, and become clean. Remove the evils
from your souls from before My eyes. Cease from your evils. Learn to do good. Rescue
the unrighteous. Judge the orphan and justify the widow. Come, let us reason, says the
Lord. Even though your sins might be like purple, I will make them white as snow. Even
though they might be as scarlet, I will make them white as wool. And if you are willing
and listen to me, you will eat of the good things of the earth. And if you are not willing,
and will not listen to me, the sword will devour you. For the mouth of the Lord has said
these things.”
(8.5) Therefore, willing all His beloved ones to have a part in repentance, He has
established (it) in His Almighty will.
(9.1) Therefore, let us listen to His excellent and glorious will, and being suppliants of
mercy and His goodness, let us prostrate ourselves and return to His compassion,
leaving behind fruitless toil, strife, and envy that leads to death.
(9.2) Let us look particularly to those who perfectly ministered to His magnificent glory.
(9.3) Let us take Enoch, who, having been found righteous in obedience, was taken up,
and he was not found (by) death.
(9.4) Noah, having been found faithful, through his ministry preached regeneration to the
world, and by him the Master saved the animals, which entered in harmony into the Ark.
(10.1) Abraham, called the Friend, was found faithful, in his being obedient to the
utterances of God.
(10.2) Through obedience, he went away from his land, and from his kindred, and from
the house of his father, so that in leaving a little land, a weak family, and a small house,
he might inherit the promises of God. For He said to him:
(10.3) “Go out from your land, and from your kindred, and from the house of your father,
to the land I will show to you, and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and
I will make your name great and you will be blessed. And I will bless those who bless you,
and I will curse those who curse you. And in you will be blessed all the tribes of the earth.”
(10.4) And again, in his separating from Lot, God said to him, “Lift up your eyes. Look
from the place where you are now to north, and south, and east, and west, because I will
give it, all the land which you see, to you and to your seed forever.
(10.5) “And I will make your seed like the sand of the earth, so that if one may count the
sand of the earth, your seed may be counted.”
(10.6) And again (He) says, “God led out Abraham and said to him, ‘Look up to heaven
and count the starts, if you can count them. So shall your seed be.’ Abraham believed
God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.
(10.7) Because of faith and hospitality, he was given a son in old age, and by obedience
brought him as a sacrifice to God on the mountain which He showed him.
(11.1) Because of hospitality and godliness, Lot was saved from Sodom, the
condemnation of the surrounding area by fire, the Master having made it divinely evident
that those who place their hope in Him will not be abandoned, but those inclined toward
possessions are given over to punishment and torments.
(11.2) For his wife went out with him, being different-minded, and not in harmony with it;
therefore a sign was appointed, her becoming a pillar of salt unto this day, to be known
to all, that the two-minded and the doubters about the power of God will be for judgment
and a warning to all generations.
(12.1) Because of faith and hospitality, Rahab the prostitute was saved.
(12.2) When the spies were sent out by Joshua son of Nun to Jericho, the king of that
land knew that they had come to spy on his country, and sent out men to catch them,
so that having been caught, they’d be put to death.
(12.3) But hospitable Rahab welcomed them, hiding them on the roof, under stalks of flax.
(12.4) When those from the king arrived and said “Those spying on our land came to you;
bring them out, for so orders the king,” she replied, “The men whom you seek certainly
came in to me, but immediately left and are gone on their way,” pointing them in the
opposite direction.
(12.5) And she said to the men, “I certainly know that the Lord God has given this land to
you, for the fear and the dread of you is fallen upon all its inhabitants. When, therefore,
you have taken it for yourselves, save me and the house of my father.
(12.6) And they said to her, “It will be as you have spoken to us. Therefore, as soon as
you know we are coming, gather all of your (family) under your roof; for as many as are
found outside the house will perish.”
(12.7) And they also gave her a sign, that she would hang outside her house some
scarlet, making it evident that through the blood of the Lord is redemption for all who have
faith in and put their hope in God.
(12.8) Notice, beloved ones, that there was not only faith, but also prophecy in this
(13.1) Therefore, brethren, let us be humble-minded, laying aside all pretension and
arrogance and foolishness and anger and let us do what is written, for the Holy Spirit
says, “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the strong man in his strength, nor
the rich man in his wealth, but rather let him who glories glory in the Lord, to seek Him,
doing justice and righteousness,” especially remembering the words of the Lord Jesus
which He spoke, teaching us gentleness and patience.
(13.2) For He spoke thus, “Be merciful, that you might obtain mercy; forgive, that you
might be forgiven; as you do, so it will be done to you; as you give, so shall you receive;
as you judge, so shall you be judged; as you are merciful, so shall you receive mercy; the
measure you measure with, with it shall be measured to you.”
(13.3) With this commandment and these instructions, let us strengthen ourselves in
order to conduct ourselves in obedience to His holy words, being humble-minded. For the
holy word says,
(13.4) “On whom shall I look, but upon him who is humble and quiet and trembles at my
(14.1) Therefore, men, brethren, it is right and holy to be obedient to God rather than to
follow those leaders in pretension and disturbance of detestable envy.
(14.2) For it is not the gain of a small injury, but rather great danger we will suffer if we
recklessly give ourselves to the intentions of these men who aim at strife and rebellion, in
order to alienate us from having good health.
(14.3) Let us be kind to one another, according to the kindheartedness and sweetness of
our Maker.
(14.4) For it is written, “The kind will inhabit the earth, and the innocent will be left upon it,
but the lawless shall be uprooted from it.”
(14.5) And again, it says, “I saw the impious being raised high and being exalted like the
cedars of Lebanon; and I passed by and behold, he was not; and I searched for his place
but did not find it. Guard innocence and look on uprightness, for there will be a remnant for
the peaceful man.
(15.1) So let us associate with those who live in peace with godliness, and not with those
who hypocritically desire peace.
(15.2) For it says somewhere, “This people honors me with the lips, but their hearts have
departed far from me.”
(15.3) And again, “With their mouth they bless, but curse with their heart.”
(15.4) And again it says, “They loved him with their mouth, and their tongue told him lies,
and their heart was not upright with him, nor did they believe in his covenant.”
(15.5) Therefore, “let the deceitful lips that are speaking against the righteous become
speechless;” and again, “Let the Lord destroy all the deceitful lips, and the boastful tongue
of those who said, We will magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is our lord?
(15.6) “Because of the distress of the poor, and the groan of the needy, I will now arise,
says the Lord; I will place (him) in safety.
(15.7) I will deal boldly with him.”
(16.1) For Christ is with the humble-minded, not with those who exalt themselves over
His flock.
(16.2) The scepter of the majesty of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, did not come in the
boasting of pretension or arrogance, though able, being instead humble-minded, as the
Holy Spirit said about Him. For He says,
(16.3) “Lord, who has believed our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
We have proclaimed before Him: like a child, like a root in thirsty ground. He has no form
or glory; and we saw Him and He had no form or beauty, rather His form was despised,
inferior to the form of other men, a man of wounds and affliction, and knowing how to bear
suffering, for He turned His face away. He was despised and not taken into account.
(16.4) “He bears our sins and suffers for us, and we accounted Him to be (deserving) in
affliction and in wounds and in mistreatment.
(16.5) “But He was wounded for our sins, and bruised for our lawlessness. The discipline
of our peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.
(16.6) “All we, like sheep, have wandered; each man has wandered his way.
(16.7) “And the Lord has handed him over because of our sins, and He, through His
mistreatment, does not open His mouth. Like a sheep led to the slaughter, and like a
lamb before the shearer is silent, thus He does not open His mouth. In His humility, His
judgment was taken away.
(16.8) “Who will relate His generation? For His life was taken away from the earth.
(16.9) “By the lawlessness of my people He came to death.
(16.10) “And I will give the wicked against His grave, and the wealthy against His death,
because He did no lawlessness, nor was deceit found in His mouth. And the Lord wills to
cleanse Him by wounds.
(16.11) “If you give (offerings) for sins, your sould will see long-lived seed.
(16.12) “And the Lord will to remove the affliction of His soul, to show Him light, and to
form the understanding, to declare righteous the righteous one who slaves for many, and
He will take up their sins.
(16.13) “Because of this He will inherit many, and share the spoils of the strong ones.
Because His soul was handed over to death, and He was counted among the lawless.
(16.14) “And He took up the sins of many, and because of their sins He was handed over.”
(16.15) And again He says, “I am a worm, and not a man; a disgrace to men, and
despised by the people.
(16.16) “All who see me ridicule me. They have spoken with lips, shaken the head, ‘He
hoped in the Lord; let Him rescue him. Let Him save him, since He delights in him.'”
(16.17) See, men, beloved, what the example given us is? For if the Lord was thus
humble-minded, what shall we do who through Him have come under the yoke of His
(17.1) Let us be imitators of those who in the skins of goats and sheep went about
proclaiming the coming of Christ. For we speak of the prophets Elijah and Elishah, and
also of Ezekiel, and along with these, those who have borne witness.
(17.2) Abraham bore great witness, and was called Friend of God. And he said, looking
intently to the glory of God, being humble-minded, “I am but earth and ashes.”
(17.3) Further, it is written thus of Job, “For Job was righteous and blameless, true,
God-worshipping, keeping away from all evil”
(17.4) but bringing accusation against himself, saying, “No one is clean of dirt, not even if
his life is a single day.”
(17.5) Moses was called “faithful in all his house” and through his service, God judged
Egypt through the plagues and their torments. Yet even he, greatly honored, did not boast,
but when the oracle was given to him from out of the thornbush, he said, “Who am I that
you send me? I am but weak-voiced and slow-tongued.”
(17.6) And again he said, “I am but steam from a pot.”
(18.1) And what might we say about the witness borne by David, about whom God said,
“I have found a man after my heart, David son of Jesse; in eternal mercy I have anointed
(18.2) And he said to God, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy,
and according to the abundance of your compassion, wipe away my lawless deed.”
(18.3) “Wash me much more of my lawlessness, and cleanse me of my sins. For I know
my lawlessness and my sin is always before me.
(18.4) “Against You only have I sinned, and done evil before you, so that You might be
justified in your sayings and prevail in Your judgment.
(18.5) “For behold, I was conceived in lawless deeds, and in sins was my mother pregnant
with me.
(18.6) “For behold, You have loved truth. The unseen and hidden (parts) of wisdom have
you revealed to me.
(18.7) “You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed. You will wash me, and I
will be made whiter than snow.
(18.8) “You will make me hear joy and gladness. My humbled bones will rejoice.
(18.9) “Turn Your face away from my sins, and wipe away all my lawless deeds.
(18.10) “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew inside me an upright spirit.
(18.11) “Do not drive me away from your face, and do not take away your Holy Spirit from
(18.12) “Give back to me the rejoicing of Your salvation, and strengthen me by Your
ruling Spirit
(18.13) “I will teach the lawless Your ways, and the impious will return to You
(18.14) “Rescue me from bloody deeds, O God, O God of my salvation
(18.15) “My tongue will rejoice in your righteousness, O Lord. You will open Your mouth,
and my lips will proclaim Your praise.
(18.16) “For if You desired sacrifice, I would have given it; You will not delight in whole
burnt offerings.
(18.17) “The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit; a broken and humbled heart God will not
(19.1) Accordingly, the humble-mindedness and subordination of so great and such having
borne witness through obedience, have made not only us better, but the generations
before us who have received His sayings in fear and in truth.
(19.2) So, having a share in such great and glorious deeds, let us hurry toward what was
from the beginning handed down to us, the goal of peace, and let us look intently to the
Father and Creator of the entire world. Let us stick close to His magnificent and
surpassing gifts and benefactions of peace.
(19.3) Let us see Him with understanding, and look with the eyes of the soul to His
patient will. Let us consider how without wrath He is toward all His creation.
(20.1) At His direction, the heavens are shaken, being subject to Him in peace.
(20.2) Day and night finish the course appointed by Him, not impeding one another.
(20.3) According to His direction, sun and moon, and the dancing groups of stars roll on
through their appointed courses in harmony, without any deviation.
(20.4) According to His will, the fruitful earth, at the appropriate time, raises up abundant
food for people and animals, for all living beings upon it, neither dissenting nor changing
anything decreed by Him.
(20.5) The unsearchable abyss and the indescribable lower regions are bound by the
same laws.
(20.6) The hollow of the boundless sea, brought according to His creative work into its
gathering places, never goes beyond its limiting barriers, but rather does as He
(20.7) For He said, “You will come to here, and your waves will be broken in you.”
(20.8) The ocean, limitless to people, and the worlds beyond it, are regulated by the
same decrees of the Master.
(20.9) The seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter give way to one another in
(20.10) The stations of the wind perform their service at the appropriate times without
disturbance, and the perennial springs, having been created for enjoyment and health,
without fail present their breasts for the life of people. The smallest of living things have
their relations in harmony and peace.
(20.11) All these things the great Creator and Master of all has ordered in peace and
harmony, to be doing good to all, and immeasurably for us, who have fled to His
compassion, through our Lord Jesus Christ,
(20.12) to Whom be glory and majesty to the ages of ages, Amen.
(21.1) Beloved, see to it that His many good works may not become judgments to us, if
we don’t conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of Him. Let us in harmony do good and
pleasing things before Him.
(21.2) For it says somewhere, “The Spirit of the Lord is a lamp searching the hidden
parts of the belly.”
(21.3) Let us note how near He is, and that neither our thoughts nor the decisions we
make escape His notice.
(21.4) Therefore it is right for us not to abandon His will.
(21.5) Rather than God, let us reject those unwise and mindless people, arrogant and
boasting in the pretension of their words.
(21.6) Let us revere the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose blood was given because of us; let us
respect those who lead before us; let us esteem our elders; let us instruct our young men
in training of the fear of God; let us lead our women (wives) to what is good.
(21.7) Let them (the women/wives) demonstrate the love-worthy habit of purity; let them
display their pure intention for gentleness; let them make plain the gentleness of their
language through silence; let them show their love not in partiality, but rather equally to
all who fear God in a holy manner.
(21.8) Let our children partake of training in Christ; let them learn how humble-mindedness
prevails with God, how pure love prevails with God, how the fear of Him is good and great,
and saves all those who in a holy manner conduct themselves in it with a pure mind.
(21.9) For He is the Examiner of thoughts and desires, Whose breath is in us, and when
He wills, He will take it away.
(22.1) So, the faith which is in Christ confirms all these things. For He, through the Holy
Spirit, invites us thus: “Come, children. Hear me. I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
(22.2) “Who is the person who wants life, loves to see good days?
(22.3) “Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.
(22.4) “Turn away from evil, and do good.
(22.5) “Seek peace, and pursue it.
(22.6) “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous ones, and His ear is toward their
prayer. And the face of the Lord is against those doing evil, rooting out the memory of
them from the earth.
(22.7) “The righteous one cried out, and the Lord heard him, and He delivered him out of
all his troubles.
(22.8) “Many are the torments of the sinful, but mercy will surround those who are hoping
in the Lord.”
(23.1) The Father, merciful and compassionate to all, has compassion for those fearing
Him, gently and kindly giving out His gifts of grace (lit., “His graces”) to those
approaching Him with a single mind.
(23.2) Therefore let us not be double-minded, nor let our soul entertain strange notions
about His extraordinary and glorious gifts.
(23.3) Far be that Scripture from us, where it says, “Wretched are the double-minded,
the doubters of soul, who say, ‘These things were even heard by our fathers, and behold,
we have grown old and none of them have happened to us.’
(23.4) “You mindless ones! Compare yourselves to a tree; take the vine. Indeed, first it
sheds leaves, then a bud is produced, then a leaf, then a flower, and after these, an unripe
grape, becoming then a bunch of grapes.” See in how short a time has come the fruit of
the tree to ripeness.
(23.5) In truth, quickly and suddenly will His will be accomplished, as the Scripture also
bears witness that He will come quickly and will not delay, and “Suddenly will the Lord
come to His temple, even the Holy One, for Whom you wait.”
(24.1) Beloved, let us contemplate how the Master continually points out to us the future
resurrection will happen, of which He has made the Lord Jesus Christ the firstfruits, by
raising (Him) from the dead.
(24.2) Let us see, beloved, the resurrection which is regularly happening.
(24.3) Day and night reveal to us a resurrection. The night falls asleep, and the day wakes
up. The day goes away, night comes around.
(24.4) Let us take the fruits: the seed and how in what manner it is produced.
(24.5) The sower went out and cast it to the earth. Each of the seeds wherever it fell to the
earth, dry and naked, is dissolved. Then, from this dissolution, the magnificent providence
of the Master raises it up, and from one, many grow and produce fruit.
(25.1) Let us see that strange sign happening in the eastern regions, that is, those
around Arabia.
(25.2) For there is a bird called phoenix. This is the only existing one, living five hundred
years. And now when it has come to the dissolution of its dying, it makes itself a nest of
frankincense and myrrh and the rest of the spices, into which it enters in the fullness of
time, and dies.
(25.3) And the decaying of the flesh produces a worm, which, nourished by the juices of
the dead animal, grows wings. Then, when it has grown strong, it takes over that nest
where the bones of the predecessor are, and, picking these up, continues from the
Arabian region as far as Egypt, to the so-called Heliopolis.
(25.4) And in daytime, in the seeing of all, it lands on the altar of the sun, placing them
there, it starts back.
(25.5) Then the priests examine the records of times, and find that it fulfilled five hundred
years in coming.
(26.1) So, do we consider it to be great or wonderful if the Creator of everything causes a
resurrection of those who were slaves for Him in a holy manner, in the confidence of good
faith, when even by a bird He shows us the magnificence of His promise?
(26.2) For it says somewhere, “And You will raise me up; and I will confess to You; and I
laid down and slept; I woke up, for You are with me.”
(26.3) And again, Job says, “And you will raise up this flesh of mine, which has patiently
borne all these things.”
(27.1) So, with this hope, let our souls have need of the One faithful in promises, and the
One righteous in judgments,
(27.2) the One who ordered “Do not lie,” how much more will He Himself not lie, for nothing
is impossible with God, except to lie.
(27.3) Let His faith be rekindled in us, and let us consider all things are near to Him.
(27.4) By the word of His majesty He established all things, and by His word He can
overturn them.
(27.5) Who will say to Him, “What have you done?” Or who will oppose the strength of His
power? When He wills and as He wills all things are done. And nothing decreed by Him
will not come to pass.
(27.6) All things are before Him, and nothing is hidden from His will.
(27.7) If “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the work of
His hands. Day to day utters speech, and night announces knowledge to night. And there
are no words nor forms of speech in which their voices are not heard.”
(28.1) then all things are seen and heard. Let us fear Him and abandon worthless works
of foul desires, so that we might be protected by His mercy from the future judgments.
(28.2) For where can any of us flee from His powerful hand? And which world would
accept someone deserting from Him?
(28.3) For the Scripture says somewhere, “Where shall I go, and where shall I be hidden
from Your face? If I ascend into heaven, You are there. If I go away to the ends of the
earth, Your right hand is there. If I make my bed in the depths, Your Spirit is there.”
(28.4) Where then will anyone go to, or where escape from the One who encompasses
all things?
(29.1) So let us approach Him in holiness of spirit, lifting up pure and undefiled hands to
Him, loving our kind and compassionate Father, who has made us His own selected
(29.2) For thus it is written, “When the Most High divided the nations, when He scattered
the sons of Adam, He established the boundaries of the nations according to the number
of the angels of God. His people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel the
allotment of His inheritance.”
(29.3) And in another place it says, “Behold, the Lord takes for Himself a nation from the
midst of the nations, as a man takes the firstfruits of his threshing floor, and from that
nation shall come the Holy of Holies.
(30.1) Therefore, being the holy portion, let us do all the things of holiness, fleeing
slander, and foul and impure intimacies, and drunkenness, and innovation, and
abominable desires, defiling adultery, (and) abominable pride.
(30.2) For it says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
(30.3) So let us stick with those to whom grace has been given by God. Let us clothe
ourselves with harmony, humble-mindedness, being self-controlled, far from all gossip
and slander, being justified by deeds we are doing, not words.
(30.4) For it says, “He who speaks much will also hear in return. Or does the glib speaker
suppose he is righteous?
(30.5) “Blessed is the one born of a woman, shortlived; do not be given much to spoken
(30.6) Let our praise be in God, and not from ourselves, for God hates self-praisers.
(30.7) Let the witness of our good deeds be given by others, as it was given for our
righteous fathers.
(30.8) Arrogance and selfishness and audacity are of those cursed by God; kindness and
humble-mindedness and gentleness are with those blessed by God.
(31.1) So let us stick with His blessing, and consider what are the ways of blessing. Let
us recall the things that have been from the beginning.
(31.2) For what reason was our father Abraham blessed? Was it not because he did
righteousness and truth through faith?
(31.3) Isaac, with confidence, knowing the future, was gladly brought forward as a
(31.4) Jacob, with humble-mindedness, left his land because of his brother, and went to
Laban, and slaved. And to him was given the scepter of the twelve (tribes) of Israel.
(32.1) If someone will sincerely think about each one, he will understand the greatness of
the gifts which were given by Him.
(32.2) For from him are the priests and all the Levites which minister at the altar of God.
From him is the Lord Jesus, according to the flesh. From him are kings and rulers and
leaders of Judah, and the rest of his tribes (scepters) are not of little glory, as promised
by God, that “Your seed will be like the stars of heaven.”
(32.3) So, all these were glorified and magnified, not by themselves, or their works, or for
the righteous work they achieved, but rather through His will.
(32.4) So, we also, having been called by His will in Christ, are not justified by ourselves,
nor through our own wisdom or intelligence or godliness or works which we have produced
in holiness of heart, but rather through the faith by which since the world began the
Almighty God has justified all things, to whom be glory to the ages of ages, Amen.
(33.1) What, then, should we do, brethren? Become idle in doing good, and abandon
love? May the Master never permit this to happen with us. Rather let us hurry with
earnestness and eagerness to accomplish every good work.
(33.2) For the Creator and Master of everything rejoices in His works.
(33.3) For in His infinitely great power he established the heavens, and in His
incomprehensible understanding He set them in order. He separated the earth from the
water surrounding it, and fixed the firm foundation upon His own will. And by His
command He ordered the animals wandering in it to be. Having previously created the
sea and the animals in it, he enclosed them by His power.
(33.4) Above all, by His holy and blameless hands He formed, certainly by far the
greatest of His plan, man, the exact representation of His image.
(33.5) For thus says God, “Let us make man in Our image, and according to Our
likeness. And God made man. Male and female He made them.”
(33.6) Having finished all these things, He praised and blessed them, and said,
“Increase and multiply.”
(33.7) Let us notice that all the righteous were adorned with good works, and even the
Lord, adorning Himself in good works, rejoiced.
(33.8) Therefore, having such a model, let us without hesitation agree with His will; let us
work at the work of righteousness with all our strength.
(34.1) The good worker receives the bread of his work with confidence. The lazy and
neglectful one cannot look his employer in the eye.
(34.2) Therefore, it is necessary for us to be eager in doing good, for from Him are all
(34.3) He tells us already, “Behold the Lord, and His reward is before His face, to give to
each one according to his work.”
(34.4) Therefore, He encourages us, believing in Him with all our heart, not to be lazy or
neglectful in any good work.
(34.5) Let our boasting and confidence be in Him, subjecting ourselves to His will. Let us
contemplate the whole multitude of His angels, how they have stood by, ministering to
His will.
(34.6) For the Scripture says, “Ten-thousands of ten-thousands stood by Him, and
thousands of thousands ministered to Him, and they cried out, ‘Holy, holy, holy, is the
Lord of Hosts, all creation is full of His glory!’”
(34.7) And so let us gather together in harmony, in conscience, calling out fervently to
Him as from one mouth, so that we might become partakers in His great and glorious
(34.8) For it says, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered the heart of a
person, what the Lord has prepared for those awaiting Him.”
(35.1) Beloved, how blessed and wonderful are the gifts of God!
(35.2) Life in immortality, shining in righteousness, truth in confidence, faith in trust,
self-control in holiness, and all these fall within our understanding.
(35.3) What then, therefore, are being prepared for those waiting? The Creator and Father
of Ages, the All-Holy, alone knows their number and their beauty.
(35.4) So let us contend to be found among the number of those waiting, in order to
receive the promised gifts.
(35.5) How will this be done, beloved? If our understanding is faithfully established toward
God, if we seek out things pleasing and acceptable to Him, if we accomplish what is
appropriate to His blameless will, and we follow the way of truth, throwing overboard from
ourselves every unrighteousness and wickedness, greediness, strife, malice, and also
deceit, gossipings, and also slander, hatred of God, arrogance, and also pretension,
empty glory, and also inhospitality.
(35.6) Those who do these things are despicable to God; not only those who do them,
but also those who approve of them.
(35.7) For the Scripture says, “But to the sinner God said, ‘Why do you describe my
commandments, and take up my covenant in your mouth?
(35.8) “For you hated discipline and have thrown my words behind you. If you saw a thief,
you ran with him, and placed your portion with the adulterers. You mouth has increased in
evil, and your tongue has curled around deceit. Sitting, you slandered your brother. You
placed a stumbling-block before your mother’s son.
(35.9) “You have done these things, and I was silent. Lawless one, you thought I might be
like you.
(35.10) “I will expose you, and stand you before your own face.
(35.11) “So understand these things, you who neglect God, lest He drag you off like a
lion, and there be no rescuer.
(35.12) “The sacrifice of praise glorifies Me, and a way is there that I will show to him the
salvation of God.”
(36.1) This is the way, beloved, in which we find our Savior Jesus Christ, the High Priest
of our offerings, the Defender and Helper of our weakness.
(36.2) Through Him we look intently to the heights of the heavens. Through Him we see
mirrored His blameless and supreme visage. Through Him are opened the eyes of our
hearts. Through Him our foolish and darkened understanding grows again into the light.
Through Him the Master wills that we should partake of the immortal knowledge, Who,
being the radiance of His majesty, is so much greater than the angels that He has
inherited a greater name.
(36.3) For it is written thus, “Who makes His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of
(36.4) But about His Son the Master spoke thus, “You are My Son. Today have I
begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give to You the nations for Your inheritance, and for
Your possessions the ends of the earth.”
(36.5) And again He says to Him, “Sit by My right hand, until I place Your enemies as a
footstool for Your feet.”
(36.6) But who are the enemies? Those who are bad and oppose His will.
(37.1) So, men, brethren, let us with all earnestness do battle by His blameless
(37.2) Let us think about those doing battle under our Leaders, how orderly, how
obediently, how submissively they accomplish their orders.
(37.3) Not all are commanding officers (eparchs), or commanders of a thousand
(chiliarchs), or commanders of a hundred (centurions), or commanders of fifty, and so on,
but each one accomplishes in his own rank the orders of the king and the leaders.
(37.4) The great cannot exist without the small, nor the small without the great. There is
a certain mixing together in all things, and usefulness in such.
(37.5) Let us take our body. The head without the feet is not anything, neither are the feet
without the head. For the most insignificant parts of our body are necessary and useful to
the whole of the body. But all work together and employ a single state of submission in
order to keep the whole body safe.
(38.1) So, let our whole body be safe in Christ Jesus, and let each one subject himself to
his neighbor, according to the gift given to him.
(38.2) Let the strong take care of the weak, and the weak have respect for the strong.
Let the rich man provide for the poor, and the poor give thanks to God, since He gave to
him someone through whom his need might be filled. Let the wise demonstrate his
wisdom not in words, but in good works. Let the humble-minded not bear witness of
himself, but rather allow himself to be borne witness of by another. Let him who is pure in
the flesh not boast, knowing that it was Another who granted to him self-control.
(38.3) So, let us consider, brethren, of what kind of stuff we were made, what and who we
came into the world as, from what kind of tomb and darkness. He Who formed and
created us led us into His world, having already prepared His benefactions before we were
(38.4) Therefore, since we have all these things from Him, we must give thanks for all
things to Him, to Whom be glory to the ages of ages, Amen.
(39.1) The foolish and senseless and stupid and uneducated mock and deride us,
wanting to lift themselves up in their understanding.
(39.2) For what can a mortal do? Or of what strength is the earthborn?
(39.3) For it is written, “There was no form before my eyes, but I heard a breeze and a
(39.4) “What then? Shall a mortal be clean before the Lord, or a man faultless in his
works, if he does not trust His servants, and attributes something crooked to His angels?
(39.5) “For heaven is not clean before Him, much less those inhabiting houses of clay,
from which same clay we are made. He struck them like a moth. And from morning until
evening they still are not. Because they could not help themselves, they perished.
(39.6) “He breathed upon them and they died, because they have no wisdom.
(39.7) “But call out, if anyone will hear you, or if you will look to the holy angels. For
wrath also destroys the foolish, and jealousy puts the deceived to death.
(39.8) “For I have seen the foolish taking root, but immediately their dwelling-place was
(39.9) “Let their sons be far from salvation. May they be despised at the gates of inferiors,
and may there be no rescuer. For what was prepared for them, the righteous will eat, and
they will not be rescued from evils.”
(40.1) Therefore, these things being evident to us, looking closely into the depths of divine
knowledge, we ought to do all things in order, as the Master has commanded us to
complete at appointed times.
(40.2) He has commanded offerings and ministries to be completed, and not rashly or
disorderly, but at designated times and hours.
(40.3) Where and by whom He wants these things completed, He Himself has designated
in His supreme will, so that all things, being done in a holy manner, might be acceptable
in approval to His will.
(40.4) Therefore, those who at the appointed times make their offerings are acceptable
and even blessed. For those following the laws of the Master are not great sinners.
(40.5) For particular ministries are given to the High Priest, and a particular place is
prescribed for the priests, and particular services are imposed upon the Levites. The lay
person is bound by the commandments for laypeople.
(41.1) Brethren, be pleasing to God, each of us in his particular class, being in good
conscience, in reverence not transgressing the boundaries of His ministries.
(41.2) Brethren, not everywhere are perpetual sacrifices offered, or for vows, or for sins
and offenses, but only in Jerusalem. And even there it is not offered in every place, but
at the altar in front of the Temple. The offerings are examined by the High Priest and the
previously mentioned ministers.
(41.3) Therefore, those who do anything beyond what is according to His will incur the
death penalty.
(41.4) See, brethren, that as much as we are considered worthy of more knowledge, so
much more are we exposed to danger.
(42.1) The apostles were proclaiming the good news to us from the Lord Jesus Christ;
Jesus Christ was sent out by God.
(42.2) So, Christ was from God and the apostles from Christ. Therefore both were in good
order by the will of God.
(42.3) So, having received orders and having been fully assured by the resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and having believed in the Word of God, with the full assurance of the
Holy Spirit, they went out proclaiming the good news that the Kingdom of God was about
to appear.
(42.4) Preaching through countries and cities, they appointed their firstfruits, having
proved them in the Spirit, as bishops and deacons of future believers.
(42.5) And this was not new. For, indeed, over a period of many years it was written
about bishops and deacons. For the Scripture says thus somewhere, “I will appoint their
bishops in righteousness, and their deacons in faith.”
(43.1) And how wonderful that those in Christ, having been entrusted with such a work by
God, appointed the aforementioned.
(43.2) For when that jealously fell out concerning the priesthood, and the tribes, rebelling
as to which might be adorned with that glorious name, he commanded the twelve tribal
leaders to bring to him rods, each inscribed with the name of a tribe. And having taken
them, he bound and sealed them with the rings of the tribal leaders, and laid them down
in the Tent of Meeting, by the table of God.
(43.3) And having locked the Tent, he sealed the keys in similar manner to the rods.
(43.4) And he said to them, “Men, brethren, whichever tribe whose rod may have sprouted,
God has chosen to be priests and to minister to Him.”
(43.5) When it was morning, he called together all Israel, six hundred thousands, and
pointed out the seals of the tribal leaders. Then he opened the Tent of Witness, and
brought out the rods. And it was found that the rod of Aaron, having not only blossomed,
indeed even bore fruit.
(43.6) What do you think, beloved? Did not Moses previously know this would happen?
Certainly he would have known. But in order that there be no disorder in Israel, he did it
this way, so that the Name might be glorified of the true and only God, to whom be glory
to the ages of ages, Amen.
(44.1) And our apostles knew through our Lord Jesus Christ that there would be strife
about the name of the office of bishop.
(44.2) So, for this reason, having received perfect foreknowledge, they appointed the
aforementioned, and afterward set a rule, that whenever they may have fallen asleep,
other approved men would receive their ministry.
(44.3) Therefore, those having been appointed by them, or afterward by other reputable
men, are approved by the whole Church. And having ministered blamelessly to the flock
of Christ with humble-mindedness, quietly and unselfishly having been borne witness of
many times by everyone, we think these men cannot be righteously thrown out of the
(44.4) For our sin will not be small if those who have been blamelessly and in a holy
manner presenting the gifts of the office of bishop are thrown out.
(44.5) Blessed are the elders who, having gone on before, have had a fruitful and perfect
departure, for they are not concerned that someone might depose them from their
appointed seating place.
(44.6) For we see that you have removed some who have been conducting themselves
well from the ministry blamelessly honored by them.
(45.1) You are quarrelsome, brothers, and zealots about things unrelated to salvation.
(45.2) Look closely into the Holy Scriptures, which are truly of the Holy Spirit.
(45.3) Understand that nothing unrighteous or misleading has been written in them. You
will not find the righteous thrown out by holy men.
(45.4) The righteous were persecuted, but by the lawless. They were imprisoned, but by
the unholy; stoned by lawbreakers; slain by the wretched, and those bearing unrighteous
(45.5) Undergoing punishment, they gloriously endured these things.
(45.6) What should we say, brethren? Was Daniel thrown into the den of lions by those
fearing God?
(45.7) Were Ananias and Azarias and Misael enclosed in the furnace of fire by
worshippers of the magnificent and glorious religion of the Most High? Certainly not! So
who did such things? The hateful, and those full of every evil, carried their rebellion to
such a fury that they inflicted torture on those who in holy and blameless purpose
subjected themselves to God, not knowing that the Most High is a Champion and
Defender of those who in clean conscience serve the excellent name of Him to whom be
glory to the ages of ages, Amen.
(45.8) But those who endure have inherited glory and honor, having been exalted and
having been inscribed by God in His memory to the ages of ages, Amen.
(46.1) So, brethren, it is necessary for us to stick to such examples.
(46.2) For it is written, “Stick to the holy, for those who stick to them will be made holy.”
(46.3) And again, in another place it says, “With an innocent man, you will be innocent;
and with the chosen, you will be chosen; and with the crooked, you will be crooked.”
(46.4) So let us stick to the innocent and righteous, for these are the chosen of God.
(46.5) Why are there strifes, and angers, and dissensions and schisms and war among
(46.6) Do we not have one God and one Christ? And one Spirit of grace poured out upon
us? And one calling in Christ?
(46.7) Why do we divide and tear apart the members of Christ, and rebel against our own
Body, and are coming to such a madness as to forget we are members of one another?
Remember the words of the Lord Jesus.
(46.8) For He said, “Woe to that man! It would be better for him if he had not been born,
than to put a stumbling-block before one of my chosen ones. It would be better for him to
have a millstone placed around (his neck) and to be thrown into the sea than to mislead
one of my chosen ones.”
(46.9) Your schism has misled many, has thrown many into discouragement, many into
doubt, all of us into great sorrow. And your rebellion is continuing.
(47.1) Take up the epistle of the blessed Paul, the Apostle.
(47.2) What did he first write to you in the beginning of the good news?
(47.3) In truth, he Spiritually instructed you by letter about himself and also Kephas, and
also Apollos, because even then preferences had been established among you.
(47.4) But that preference brought less sin to you. For you preferred apostles borne
witness of, and men appointed by them.
(47.5) But now observe those who have misled you and lessened your notable and
well-known brotherly love.
(47.6) Brethren it is shameful, indeed exceedingly shameful and unworthy of a way of life
in Christ for it to be heard of the strong and ancient Church of the Corinthians, that,
because of one or two people, it rebels against the elders.
(47.7) And this has reached not only our own hearing, but also to those who are inclined
against us, so that even blasphemy is brought upon the name of the Lord through your
own mindlessness, in addition to causing danger.
(48.1) So, let us remove this in haste and fall at the feet of the Master, and let us weep,
beseeching Him that He might, being merciful, be reconciled to us, and restore to us our
honorable, pure way of life of brotherly love.
(48.2) For this gate of righteousness is opened to life, as it is written, “Open to me the
gates of righteousness so I may enter them; I will praise the Lord.”
(48.3) This is the gate of the Lord. The righteous will enter by it.
(48.4) So, though many gates are open, this one of righteousness is the one in Christ in
which the blessed, all having entered and having directed their journey in holiness and
righteousness, are finishing everything without disturbance.
(48.5) Let one be faithful. Let him be powerful to express knowledge. Let him be wise in
discerning words. Let him be pure in works.
(48.6) For however great he may seem to be, one must be humble-minded, and seek the
common good of all, and not just his own.
(49.1) Whoever has love in Christ, let him follow the precepts of Christ.
(49.2) Who is able to explain the bond of the love of God?
(49.3) Who is capable to express the greatness of His beauty?
(49.4) The height to which love leads is indescribable.
(49.5) Love joins us to God. “Love covers a multitude of sins.” Love endures all things, is
patient in all things. There is nothing inferior in love, nothing arrogant in love. Love has no
schism, doesn’t rebel. Love does all things in harmony. By love all the chosen ones of
God have been made perfect. Without love, nothing is acceptable to God.
(50.1) In love, the Master has received us. By the love which he bore toward us, our Lord
Jesus Christ has given His blood because of us, by the will of God, even His flesh for our
flesh, and His soul for our souls.
(50.1) Beloved, see how great and wonderful love is, and there is no explanation of its
(50.2) Who is sufficient to be found in it, except who God considers worthy? So let us
ask and request of His mercy that we may be found in love, without human preferences
and blameless.
(50.3) All the generations from Adam until this day have passed away. But those who, by
the grace of God, were made perfect in love, having a place with the pious, will be
revealed in the appearance of the Kingdom of Christ.
(50.4) For it is written, “Enter into your secret rooms just a little while, until my anger and
wrath will have passed by. And I will remember a good day, and I will raise you up from
your graves.”
(50.5) Beloved, blessed are we if we keep the commandments of God in the harmony of
love, so that through love our sins will be forgiven.
(50.6) For it is written, “Blessed are those whose lawlessnesses are forgiven, and whose
sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not count sin, nor in whose
mouth is any deceit.”
(50.7) This blessedness happened to those chosen by God through Jesus Christ our
Lord, to whom be glory to the ages of ages, Amen.
(51.1) So, however we have gone astray, and whatever we have done through the insidious
plot of the Adversary, let us ask that we be forgiven. And whoever those leaders of the
factions and dissensions have been ought to look to the common hope.
(51.2) For those who conduct their lives with fear and love would rather fall into tortures
themselves than their neighbors. They would rather bear their own condemnation than
that of the harmony well and righteously handed down to us.
(51.3) It is better for a person to confess his transgressions, rather than to harden his
heart, as those rebelling against the servant of God, Moses, hardened their hearts, whose
judgment was evident.
(51.4) For they went down living into Hades, and Death swallowed them.
(51.5) Pharaoh and his army and all the leaders of Egypt, and the chariots and their
drivers, not for any other reason, were sunk in the Red Sea, and perished, because of
hardening their senseless hearts, after the signs and portents happened in Egypt through
the servant of God, Moses.
(52.1) Brethren, the Master is self-sufficient, having need of nothing from anyone, except
to confess to Him.
(52.2) For David, the chosen one, says, “I will confess to the Lord, and it will please Him
more than a young bull bearing horns and hooves. Let the poor see, and let them be glad.”
(52.3) And again, he says, “Sacrifice to God a sacrifice of praise, and pay your vows to
the Most High. And call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will
glorify Me.”
(52.4) For, “The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit.”
(53.1) For you understand, beloved. You understand well the Holy Scripture, and have
looked closely into the words of God. Let us write these things as a reminder.
(53.2) For Moses went up into the mountain, and did forty days and forty nights in fasting
and humbleness. God said to him, “Descend quickly, for your people whom you brought
out of Egypt have acted lawlessly. They have quickly turned aside from the way which I
commanded them. They have made themselves cast metal images.
(53.3) “And the Lord said to him, ‘I have spoken to you once and twice, saying, “I have
seen this people, and it is stiff-necked. Let me utterly destroy them, and wipe out their
name from under heaven, and I will make you into a great and wonderful nation, and much
greater than this.”’
(53.4) “And Moses said, ‘Certainly not, Lord! Forgive the sins of this people, or else wipe
me out of the Book of the Living.’”
(53.5) O great love! O unsurpassed perfection! The servant speaks freely to the Lord,
asking forgiveness for the multitude, or that he might be considered worthy to be wiped
out with them.
(54.1) So, who among you is noble? Who compassionate? Who completely filled with
(54.2) Let him say, “If because of me there are rebellion and strife and schisms, I will
leave. I will go wherever you want, and do whatever the multitude commands. Only let the
flock of Christ live in peace with the appointed elders.”
(54.3) He who does this will gain for himself great fame in Christ, and every place will
welcome him. For, “The earth is the Lord’s, and its fulness.”
(54.4) Those who live their lives in God’s unregrettable way of life do and will do these
(55.1) And now to produce some examples from the Gentiles: many kings and leaders,
when some pestilential time is occurring, follow an oracular response given to them, in
order to rescue the blood of their own citizens. Many have departed from their own cities,
so that they might not be rebelling any more.
(55.2) We understand that many of us have handed themselves over to bonds so that
others will be freed. Many have handed themselves over to slavery, and having taken their
price, they fed others.
(55.3) Many women, empowered by the grace of God, accomplished many manly deeds.
(55.4) The blessed Judith, when her city was being besieged, asked from the elders for
her to be permitted to go out into the camp of the foreigners.
(55.5) So, handing herself over to danger, she went out through love of her homeland and
of the people in the siege. And the Lord handed over Olophernes into the hands of a
(55.6) And no less, Esther, perfect according to faith, exposed herself to danger in order
to rescue the nation of Israel from coming to be destroyed. For through her fasting and
humbleness, she requested the all-seeing Master of the Ages, Who, having seen the
humility of her soul, rescued the people for whose sake she was in danger.
(56.1) So, let us also intercede for those who are in any transgression, so that gentleness
and humble-mindedness may be given to them, for them to yield, not to us, but rather to
the will of God. For in this way, there will be a fruitful and perfect remembrance of them
with compassion before God and the saints.
(56.2) Beloved, let us receive discipline, on account of which no one should be angry. The
warnings we make toward one another are good and immeasurably profitable, for they join
us to the will of God.
(56.3) For thus says the Holy Word, “The Lord has certainly disciplined me, and has not
handed me over to death.
(56.4) “For who the Lord loves, he disciplines, and He whips every son he receives.”
(56.5) For it says, “The Righteous One will discipline me in mercy, and correct me; but do
not let the oil of sinners anoint my head.”
(56.6) And again it says, “Blessed is the person the Lord corrects, and do not reject the
warning of the Almighty. For He causes pain, and restores again to health.
(56.7) “He wounds, and His hands heal.
(56.8) “From six calamities He will deliver you, and in the eighth evil will not touch you.
(56.9) “In hunger, He will rescue you from death; and in war he will loosen you from the
hand of the sword.
(56.10) “And from the whip of the tongue He will hide you, and you will not fear when evils
(56.11) “You will laugh at the unrighteous and the lawless, and of the beasts of the fields
you will not be afraid.
(56.12) “For the beasts of the fields will be at peace with you.
(56.13) “Then you will know that your house will live in peace, and the dwelling-place of
your tent will not fail.
(56.14) “And you will know that your seed will be many, and your children like the plants
covering the field.
(56.15) “And you will come to your grave like ripe wheat, reaped in its season, or like a
heap on a threshing-floor, gathered in its hour.”
(56.16) Beloved, you see how there is protection for those being disciplined by the
Master, for He is a good Father Who disciplines in order that we may be shown mercy
because of His holy discipline.
(57.1) Therefore, you who made the foundations of the rebellion, submit yourselves to the
elders, and receive discipline toward repentance, “bending the knees of your heart.”
(57.2) Learn to subject yourselves, giving up the boastful and arrogant willfulness of your
language, for it is better for you to find yourselves small and included in the flock of Christ,
than, being superior in reputation, to be driven away from His hope.
(57.3) For thus speaks the most excellent Wisdom, “Behold, I will bring forth to you the
speech of my breath, and I will teach you my word.
(57.4) “When I called, you did not listen; I stretched out the words, and you did not pay
attention, but you made my plans useless, and you disbelieved my corrections. For that
reason, I too will laugh at your destruction, and I will rejoice when ruin comes to you, and
when turmoil suddenly reaches you, and catastrophe passes by like a storm, or when
trouble and siege come to you.
(57.5) “For it will happen that when you call me, I will not listen to you. The wicked will
seek me and not find, for they hated wisdom, and did not choose the fear of the Lord, nor
did they pay attention to my plans, but despised my corrections.
(57.6) “For this reason, they will eat the fruits of their own way, and be filled with their own
(57.7) “For in return for what unrighteousness they did to infants, they will be killed, and
an inquiry will destroy the impious. But he who hears me will live, trusting in hope, and
live quietly, in no fear from any evil.”
(58.1) Therefore, let us obey His all-holy and glorious Name, fleeing the aforementioned
threats by Wisdom to the disobedient, so we may live, trusting in His most holy and
magnificent Name.
(58.2) Accept our advice, and it will not be regretted by you. For as God lives, and as the
Lord Jesus Christ lives, and the Holy Spirit, the faith and the hope of the chosen ones,
that He who did the righteous deeds and commandments given by God in
humble-mindedness, eager with kindness, and without regret, this one will have been
enrolled and be included in the number of those saved by Jesus Christ, through whom is
to Him glory to the ages of ages, Amen.
(59.1) But if anyone disobeys those things spoken by Him through us, let them know that
they involve themselves in falling away, and not a little danger.
(59.2) But we will be innocent of this sin, and ask in earnest request, and make
supplication, so that He, the Creator of all, might protect unbroken the counted number of
His chosen ones in all of the world, through His beloved Son Jesus Christ, through whom
He called us from darkness into light, from ignorance into knowledge of the glory of His
(59.3) Grant us, Lord, to hope in the Author of all creation,Your Name opening the eyes of
our heart, in order to know You alone: “resting in the Height among Heights, the Holy
among Holies,” “humbling the hubris of the proud,” “the Breaker of the reasoning of the
nations,” “lifting high the humble” and “humbling the high,” “making rich and making poor,”
“killing and making alive,” the only Discoverer of spirits and God of all flesh, “looking into
the depths,” the Observer of human works, the Helper of the endangered, the Savior of the
despairing, the Creator and Overseer [episkopon] of every spirit, multiplying the nations
upon the earth, choosing from all those who love You through Jesus Christ Your beloved
Child, through Whom You have disciplined, sanctified, and honored us.
(59.4) Master, we say you are worthy to be “our Helper and Protector.” Save those of us in
trouble. Have mercy on the humble. Wake up the fallen. Appear to the praying. Heal the
sick. Turn back those led astray of the people. Fill the hungering. Release our prisoners.
Lift up the ill. Encourage the weak of spirit. “Let all the nations know that You alone are
God,” and Jesus Christ is Your Child, and we are Your people and the sheep of Your
(60.1) For You, through your good works, have revealed the eternal nature of the world.
Lord, You created the inhabited world: Faithful in all generations, Righteous in judgments,
Wonderful in strength and majesty, Wise in creating and Intelligent in establishing what
exists, Good in what is seen, and Useful to those who trust in You, Merciful and Kind.
Forgive us our lawless and unrighteous deeds, and our transgressions and errors.
(60.2) Do not count every sin of Your slaves and slavegirls, but cleanse us with the
cleansing of Your truth, and “guide our steps to proceed in holiness of heart,” and “to do
what is good and acceptable before You” and before our rulers.
(60.3) Yes, Master, show Your face to us for good things and peace, to cover us with
Your mighty hand, and to be rescued from every sin by Your uplifted arm, and rescue us
from those unrighteous ones who hate us.
(60.4) Give to us harmony and peace, and to all those dwelling on the earth, just as you
gave to our Fathers who called upon You in a holy manner in faith and truth, being
obedient to Your Almighty and Glorious Name; and to our rulers and leaders on the earth.
(61.1) Master, You gave the authority of the kingdom to them, through Your magnificent
and indescribable power, so that we might know the glory and honor given to them by
You, and be subject to them and in no way opposing Your will. Lord, give them health,
peace, harmony, and stability so that they faultlessly administer the leadership given
them by You.
(61.2) For You, Master, Heavenly King of the Ages, give to the sons of men glory and
honor and authority over those who are on the earth. Lord, guide You their will according
to what is good and acceptable before you, so that, administering the authority given to
them by You in peace and gentleness and piously, they might find You merciful.
(61.3) We profess You are the Only One able to do these things, and are exceedingly
good to us, through the High Priest and Defender of our souls, Jesus Christ, through
Whom be the glory and the majesty, both now and to the generation of generations, and
to the ages of ages, Amen.
(62.1) Indeed, concerning those things which are appropriate to our worship, and those
things useful to virtuous life for those willing to lead their lives piously and righteously, we
have written sufficiently to you, men, brethren.
(62.2) For we have touched upon every topic, concerning faith and repentance and genuine
love and self-control and moderation and patience, reminding that you must be pleasing to
the Almighty God in a holy manner, in righteousness and truth and long-suffering, living in
harmony without bearing malice, in love and peace with earnest gentleness, just as our
aforementioned Fathers were pleasing, being humble-minded in things toward the Father
and Creator and God of all people.
(62.3) And we have reminded of these things quite gladly, since we certainly knew we
were writing to faithful and reputable men, and to those who have looked closely into the
words of the discipline of God.
(63.1) Therefore, it is right, having come upon so many and such examples, to lay down
the neck, and fulfill the place of obedience, so that having quieted the foolish rebellions,
we may arrive at the goal set before us in truth, without any fault.
(63.2) For you will cause us joy and exultation if, becoming obedient to the things written
by us, you cut off through the Holy Spirit the forbidden anger of your jealousy, according
to the intercession which we have made for peace and harmony in this letter.
(63.3) For we have sent faithful and prudent men who have conducted themselves among
us blamelessly from youth to old age, who also shall be witnesses between you and us.
(63.4) And we have done this so that you know that all our concern both has been and is
for you to live in peace immediately.
(64.1) Finally, may the All-seeing God and Master of spirits and Lord of all flesh who
chose the Lord Jesus Christ and us through Him as a special people give to every soul
having called upon His magnificent and holy Name faith, fear, peace, patience and
long-suffering, self-control, purity, and prudence for the good pleasure of His Name,
through our High Priest and Defender Jesus Christ, through Whom to Him be glory and
majesty, power and honor both now and to all the ages of ages, Amen.
(65.1) And in haste, in peace and with joy, send back to us those messengers from us,
Claudius, Ephebos and Valerius Bito, also with Fortunatus, so that they can announce to
us soon the prayed for and longed for peace and harmony, so that we can immediately
rejoice about your stability.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, and with all everywhere who are called by
God through Him, through Whom to Him be glory, honor, power, majesty and eternal
dominion, from the ages to the ages of ages, Amen.
Letter of the Romans to the Corinthians
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